Bills/Resolutions Signed into Law
2015 Fall Session - Governor James McManus
2013 Fall Session - Governor Cody Simpson
Bill #
Authors and Delegation
Ashley Archibald, BJU
Purpose Statement
allow for women to be completely informed during pregnancy by requiring
physicians to offer ultrasounds at no additional charge.
Briley Hughes, BJU
To reduce the tax burden on consumers of used motor vehicles by providing a Used Car Sales Tax exemption for used motor vehicles costing up to $5,000.
Benjamin Jeffers, BJU
allow parents freedom of school choice by providing them with itemized tax
deductions toward public, independent, and homeschooled education.
Ben Nicholas, BJU
maintain the sovereignty of the individual school districts within the South
Carolina educational system.
Stefanie Nifenecker, BJU
benefit South Carolina Veterans by creating a tax free shopping day on the
first Monday of every month.
Niya Burison, CSU
enhance assistance equality by enforcing stricter entitlements on food stamps
in the state of South Carolina.
Dylan Gunnels, CSU
amend Section 56-5-3900, Subsection A of South Carolina law in order to align
with Section 56-5-6520 of South Carolina law, and promote and attempt to ensure
the safety of all South Carolina residents operating an open vehicle.
Sarah Massey, CSU
To amend SECTION 59-26-40 of South Carolina law in order to improve student education in the state by lengthening the time required to teach in a classroom so that one may obtain a continuing contract.
Makayla Rox, CSU
To attempt to ensure the safety of all teachers and students within the South Carolina public school system by requiring all teachers to complete a weapons-defense class before receiving their South Carolina teaching license.
D. M. Kelly, The Citadel
To allocate more money to defending college students within South Carolina from cyber attacks, as well as strengthening measures that are currently being taken.
Logan Morris, The Citadel
To give parents more options in where their children attend school, and give students the opportunity to get a better education.
John Putnam, The Citadel
W. V. Richardson, The Citadel
The bill will allocate more money to Operation Get Smart, and Operation Behind Bars in South Carolina that educate children of South Carolina on crime prevention.
Christian Smith, The Citadel
To assert the sovereignty of the state of South Carolina and to render null and void within the state acts of the federal government which are in violation of the provisions and limitations of The United States Constitution.
Spencer Dickinson, Clemson
To make it mandatory for those South Carolina residents receiving government assistance for housing, food, and unemployment benefits to undergo a drug test screening.
Ian Jackson, Clemson
To require annual safety inspections for motor vehicles.
Robert Ley, Clemson
To express support for the exploration of offshore oil and natural gas drilling on federal land off the coast of South Carolina.
Alex McHale, Clemson
To allow the concealed carry of handguns by lawful South Carolina permit holders on public post-secondary campuses in South Carolina.
Sid J. Nimmons, Clemson
To amend the South Carolina Code of Laws to make college more affordable for the citizens of South Carolina and to better manage the state’s funds.
Cody Sargent, Clemson
To allow service industry employees under the age of 18 to serve alcohol.
Emilia Urban, Clemson
To analyze data regarding students’ retention and teachers’ effectiveness with accuracy and fairness.
Tamara Fogner, CCU
To allow only South Carolina residents to participate in South Carolina Sales Tax Holidays.
Josh Kochan, CCU
To compensate employees in part for the wages lost as a result of parental leave.
Dillon Ramsey, CCU
To further define what weapons can be carried with a concealed weapons permit (CWP).
Michelle Huggins, C of C
To instate same day voter’s registration as to provide every South Carolina citizen their right to vote without limitations
Cate Cardinale, Erskine
Melanie Lcoke, Erskine |
To allow County Treasurers to have more authority to dismiss penalties for late tax payment.
Cory Deaton, Erskine
Katie Busbee, Erskine |
To decrease the expenditures of the state by discontinuing the service of mosquito spraying in South Carolina counties.
Daniel Prohaska, Erskine
Casey Hughes, Erskine |
To amend § 16-9-320 of the South Carolina Code of Laws to increase fines for assaulting a law enforcement officer.
Kurt Widenhouse, Erskine
Derrick Brown, Erskine |
To allow concealed weapon permit holders to openly carry concealable weapons.
Christian Burris-Durham, FMU
To enact a flat tax of 5% on everyone’s state income tax if their salary is over $11,100.
Silas Griswold, FMU
To recognize December 26th as Alzheimer’s Awareness Day in South Carolina.
Wyatt Howle, FMU
Johnny Ross, III, FMU |
To re-designate small portions of road construction funds towards the construction of traffic circles in the place of traditional stop light intersections.
Ty'on L. Jones, FMU
To establish September 17th as a state observance day for the South Carolina Lions Club.
Allison Rhodes, FMU
To recognize the dedication to the furtherance of education in South Carolina by Ms. Darla Moore.
Chelsea Semiklose, FMU
Morgan Yarbrough, FMU |
To re-appropriate the Education funds of The South Carolina Lottery.
Samuel Smoot, FMU
To establish January 30th as a day of recognition for all colleges, universities and technical schools in South Carolina.
Miesha Thompson, FMU
Flossie Brockington, FMU |
To impose a fine on any person smoking in the presence of a minor.
Courtney Thomas, Furman
To extend the right of the franchise to all eligible South Carolina voters and protect the right of South Carolinians to vote.
D. J. Johnson, Lander
Aaron Talmage, Lander |
To create a competitive state loan for South Carolina so that students seeking a higher education may receive a loan at an inexpensive interest rate.
Abby Miller, Lander
To remove SC Code of Law section 56-5-3660 regarding Traffic on Highways. Article 29. Motorcyclists; helmets shall be worn by operators and passengers under 21.
Seth Smith, Lander
To revise South Carolina Code of Law Section 50-11-335, regarding bag limit on antlered deer in Game Zones 1 and 2.
Aaron Talmage, Lander
To decrease the amount of state income tax on parents or parent who have a child or children in a private education and be added to Section 12-8-5 of the South Carolina tax code.
Michael Darlin, BJU
To amend the South Carolina Code of Laws by adding a new chapter, designated §1-36, defining the powers and responsibilities of the Division of Information Security and the Chief Information Security Officer.
Matt Lebetter, BJU
To increase the user tax imposed upon every motor carrier to twenty-one cents per gallon to provide for construction and repair of bridges in South Carolina.
Thomas V. Sullivan, The Citadel
To amend the code of laws of South Carolina, 1976; And to amend section 50-9-515, so as to not take advantage of hunters or discriminate by setting different prices for Lifetime statewide combination licenses, but to set a standard price not dependent on age.
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